Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?
Dogs love human food, as well as dog food. However, generally, I don't recommend feeding dogs table scraps, but some things are alright once in a while. Tomatoes for dogs are one of them. But this doesn't mean that large amounts of tomatoes are good for dogs.
As part of the nightshade family, tomatoes contain a few components, such as solanine, that are harmful to dogs.
Solanine, mostly found in the stem and leaves of a tomato plant, can be toxic to dogs in large quantities. Since this toxin is mainly in the greener parts of the plant, ripe tomatoes are safe for dogs to eat in small amounts. Avoid unripe tomatoes and green tomatoes since they also contain solanine.
Tomato plants are only really a risk for those of us who like growing tomatoes since there's more exposure to the rest of the plant.
If your dog has eaten lots of a nightshade plant like tomato, specifically the greener parts, poisoning can vary from mild to severe.

- Confusion
- Diarrhoea
- Dilated pupils
- Extreme drooling
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of coordination
- Gastrointestinal irritation
- Vomiting
- Weakness
Also, your dog may be allergic if they're displaying some of these symptoms. Dogs with an allergy often experience digestive problems, such as gas or diarrhoea. They might also develop itchy rashes.
If you suspect it's an allergy, stop letting your dog eat tomatoes and see if the symptoms subside. Prevention is the key to avoiding an unnecessary trip to the vet.
Like any food, there's a risk of an allergic reaction. If you're wondering whether dogs are allowed tomatoes, they usually are. It's the tomato plants that are the bigger problem.
If you spot signs like coughing, sneezing, hives, difficulty breathing and swelling, stop giving your dog tomatoes and contact your vet. It's probably an allergy. It still needs to be taken seriously, though as anaphylaxis shock can be deadly.

Top tips:
- To avoid any problems with tomatoes, limit your dog's access by keeping your tomato plant off the ground and away from your dog. If the plant is in your garden, fence it off.
- If you are ever concerned when giving your dog new food, double-check with your vet that it's good for dogs.
- In dogs with medical issues, sometimes tomatoes can aggravate conditions like acid reflux or gastrointestinal problems.
- Don't give your dog any products like soup or tomato sauce. Because of the amount of salt, sugar and artificial flavours they contain, they are still unhealthy, regardless of the toxins.
If you spot some of these symptoms, the best thing to do is take your dog to your vet.
Treatment Plan:
Fluid Therapy - Often used if your dog is vomiting or suffering from diarrhoea. The fluids and electrolytes are pumped into your dog's body, treating dehydration whilst flushing the toxins out.
Stomach Pump - It involves placing a tube through the stomach to flush out the toxins. Vets use this method when inducing vomiting is not possible. In extreme cases where the dog is struggling to breathe, the vet will also create an emergency airway to stop asphyxiation.