Can Dogs Eat Cantaloupe?
It's a hot day. You're wondering if your dog can join you in enjoying a refreshing piece of melon. Short depends.
Cantaloupe is not toxic to dogs and is a fantastic source of vitamins A, C, B6. As well as this, it's excellent for dietary fibre, niacin, folate, and potassium. Generally, since it's full of vitamins and minerals, low in calories but a high water content, dogs can eat melon. However, I don't recommend letting your dog eat melon skin.
Whilst cantaloupe is safe for your dog; there are some factors you need to consider:
- Firstly, it's not necessarily safe for dogs to eat in large amounts. Feeding your dog too much cantaloupe, especially if they have a sensitive stomach, can cause further GI upset.
- Secondly, if your dog is diabetic, it's a problem. High in sugar, it's not the best choice for any animal with diabetes or similar health conditions.
If you see any signs of cantaloupe poisoning in dogs, then consult your vet.

- Diarrhoea
- Lack of appetite
- Lethargy
- Painful or distended belly
- Vomiting
Aside from these exceptions, this fruit is an excellent way of rehydrating without weight gain. It's useful for digestion, preventing constipation and dehydration.
It also contains antioxidants. These are vital for capturing free radicals. They promote cell function, slows cell ageing and may reduce disease risks.
Therefore, dogs can have cantaloupe. A small amount of this delicious fruit makes for a healthy and tasty treat.
Many fruits and vegetables, whilst good for dogs with many health benefits, should be limited. Treats and human food should not exceed 10% of the calories in your dog's food intake.
I also recommend removing the seeds to avoid the risk of choking. Dogs can't eat cantaloupe rinds or seeds well. They're difficult to digest and aren't worth the potential symptoms.
Dogs are likely to swallow rather than chew cantaloupe. Cut this fruit into small pieces to prevent a choking hazard or constipation.

Top Tips:
- Small portions - Cut up fruit into small bite-size to allow easier consumption and digestion.
- Not for diabetics dogs - The naturally high sugar content in cantaloupe (8% sugar by weight) can cause dental problems and is dangerous if your dog has underlying health problems like diabetes.
Treatment Plan
Cantaloupe is high in fibre (about 1.5 grams per cup). Too much dietary fibre can affect your dog's digestive system. If you notice changes in bowel movements, then remove cantaloupe from the snack menu.
Cantaloupe poisoning in dogs can result in diarrhoea or constipation. The high amount of fibre can cause stomach and digestive upset.