Can Dogs Eat Baking Soda and Baking Powder?
You might not think much of them unless you're cooking, but, both baking powder and baking soda are incredibly poisonous to dogs.
Baking soda is dangerous for dogs because it's a leavening agent. When mixed with an acidic substance and heat, baking soda and baking powder become extremely hazardous.
- Congestive Heart Failure
- Depression
- Diarrhoea
- Disorientation
- Electrolyte Abnormalities
- Lethargy
- Muscle spasms
- Seizures
- Shortness of Breath
- Tremors
- Vomiting
What happens if your dog has baking soda? - It starts expanding in your dog's stomach, potentially releasing deadly gasses into their gut. A similar problem occurs when dogs have baking powder.
Despite this, once cooked, both substances are harmless. Anything that contains these ingredients (such as baked goods) will only have small amounts of baking soda or baking powder. It won't be enough to be toxic to dogs.

Top Tips:
- Some dog shampoos contain baking soda (bicarbonate of soda); however, it's such a minor ingredient, it's safe for dogs to use.
- You can substitute toothpaste with baking soda to brush your dog's teeth. A tiny amount won't cause problems. If your dog eats a box of baking soda, on the other hand, you should be worried.
- Sometimes people clean their carpets with baking soda. If that's the case, always make sure there is no residue left on the floor that your dog could eat.
Treatment Plan
Baking powder/soda is only dangerous if your dog has eaten a large amount.
A large amount, in this case, is roughly one teaspoon per pound of body weight.
If you're concerned about your dog and you believe they have ingested large quantities of either substance, I recommend you contact your vet as soon as possible.
Your vet might do some of the following treatment:
Activated charcoal - You vet will use activated charcoal to prevent your dog's body from absorbing any more of the baking powder or baking soda. It binds to the substance and stops it from entering your dog's system.
IV Fluids - If your dog is dehydrated, your vet might give your dog fluids. It will also help flush the substance out of their body quicker.