Can Dogs Eat Cheese?
Are dogs allowed cheese? We might put it on everything, but is this one human food that dogs should avoid? Good news! Most dogs can eat cheese and have no problems.
Unless they're lactose intolerant, cheese is a safe treat for your dog.

- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Gas
- Vomiting
- Stomach upset
Are there any health benefits, though? Cheese may not be the most nutrient-dense food, but it does contain vitamins and minerals that are essential to your dog's health.
For example, most cheeses contain calcium, protein, vitamin A and B12; phosphorus and zinc.
So whilst cheese isn't good for dogs necessarily; it is food dogs can eat and enjoy as a treat. So why don't we feed our dogs cheese every day?
Cheese isn't toxic to dogs; however, some are more hazardous than others. Most cheeses contain lots of fat and sodium, which can cause severe problems such as high blood pressure and kidney failure.
Main problems with cheese:
- Lactose intolerance
- Possibility of allergy - from the lactose or proteins in the milk
- High fat and sodium content
Does age matter? Can puppies eat cheese?
All young mammals digest lactose pretty well. They produce an enzyme called lactase that allows them to digest lactose easily.
Adult mammals don't produce this enzyme as much, so older dogs might be more sensitive to cheese than puppies.
Generally, cheese isn't toxic to dogs; however, some are riskier than others.

Top Tips:
- Cheese is bad for dogs when they eat large amounts regularly. If your dog is overweight, this is even more of a concern.
- Some cheeses dogs can digest better and are safer. For example, choose cheddar cheese over blue cheese.
- Unless they're lactose intolerant, cheese is a safe treat for your dog.
Treatment Plan
If your dog develops symptoms, stop giving them cheese immediately.
Provide very bland food and lots of water for the next several days. This will help their body remove the food from their digestive system and settle their stomach.
Since most cheeses are safe for dogs to eat, the most common treatment will be supportive. Unless your dog has an extreme reaction to it, the symptoms will go away after a few days.
If you're in doubt, or worried about how long these symptoms have gone on for, consult your vet.