Can Dogs Eat Avocados?
Can dogs have avocados? This superfood may be a fantastic addition to human food, but do the health benefits appear in dog food? The short answer is no. Avocados aren't good for dogs.
Dog owners should be aware of a fungicidal toxin called persin. This can cause death in many animals (including dogs and cats).
Nonetheless, it is dangerous for your dog to eat food containing amounts of persin (e.g. avocados).

Symptoms of avocado poisoning in dogs:
- Abdominal pain
- Constipation
- Diarrhoea
- Inflammation of the mammary glands
- Myocardial damage
- Respiratory distress or choking
- Vomiting
Compared to other fruits and vegetables, the flesh of an avocado isn't as toxic to dogs. But in large amounts, gastrointestinal upset is likely to follow. Expect vomiting, diarrhoea and possibly damage to the muscular tissue of the heart. Also, due to the naturally high-fat content, it can cause pancreatitis in dogs, even in small amounts.
As well as this, feeding your dog avocado regularly may result in weight gain. The more significant issue, however, is the potential choking hazard or intestinal tract obstruction.
If your dog eats only the flesh of the avocado, the chance of persin poisoning is low. However, this possibility means that avocados, for dogs, are off-limits. This includes the skin, avocado leaves, the stem of the avocado plant and definitely, the avocado pit.

Top Tips
- The quantity of persin needed to be lethal is not known, so be careful when giving your dog an avocado.
- Ingesting the avocado pit is particularly dangerous for puppies.
- For your pet's health, avoid proximity to any avocado trees. Also, try not to let your dog have access to the fruit, especially if they are sensitive to high-fat foods.
Treatment Plan
If the stone is blocking the stomach, then the vet will need to remove it using an endoscope or surgical methods.
If your dog eats avocados without the stone, then the vets will usually have a supportive treatment plan.
If heart damage is possible, then they may prescribe diuretics or anti-arrhythmic drugs.