Can Dogs Eat Figs?

What are figs? Fig plants have rubbery, glossy leaves and grow in various shapes and sizes. Easy to maintain, they are a popular choice for a houseplant. It's also called a rubber plant or rubber tree. 

Why am I telling you this? Because even a small piece of any part of this plant can cause fig poisoning in dogs. 

can dogs eat figs leaves poisonous


If you have a dog, do not get a fig plant for your home! Figleaves contain a sap, called ficin, that can be extremely irritating either when ingested or in contact with the eyes, skin and mouth. Even in small amounts, they are bad for dogs. 

Since figs aren't safe for dogs, it's definitely worth considering removing or keeping them out of reach of your pet. 


  • Abdominal pain
  • Drooling
  • Diarrhoea
  • Irritated skin
  • Mouth pain
  • Pawing at the face
  • Rubbing their face in distress
  • Vomiting
  • Watery Eyes 


Although fig poisoning isn't as common as other allergic reactions, it's still essential to seek medical attention. With a vet, you'll understand the level of toxicity in your dog and will then be able to choose the appropriate treatment. 

Your vet will ask you about the fig tree in question, so, to make the whole process quicker, have some answers ready or take a part of the plant with you. They'll probably take blood and urine tests, and complete a biochemistry profile to examine organ function. 

If your dog shares any vomit or diarrhoea whilst at the vets, they might test that as well for any plant material or toxins. For rehydration, your vet might offer IV fluids. 

To conclude, are figs good for dogs? Absolutely not. You can incorporate some fruit into your dog's food; however, figs aren't okay for dogs to be eating at all. It'll have a detrimental effect on your dog's health, especially if they've eaten the plant.

can dogs eat figs poisonous

Top Tips:

  • Puppies, especially, will explore and chew on unfamiliar items, so it's best to avoid having plants like figs in the house at all.
  • If your dog has eaten a fig, they may have some symptoms. Even if they're mild, I recommend taking them to your vet - these plants are toxic after all! 

Treatment Plan

Depending on how much your dog has eaten, treatment will vary. Fig toxicity isn't usually life-threatening; however, it will require quick treatment. Types of treatment vets might choose, include:

Emesis - In other words, vomit. If your pet hasn't vomited from the toxic sap already, your vet might perform emesis immediately to empty their stomach. 

They usually follow this up with a dosage or two of activated charcoal to prevent the toxins from being absorbed into your dog's system. 

Washing and Rinsing - If your dog has been eating figs, they'll likely have some sap-like residue around and in their mouth. To clean the area, your vet might give them a bath in mild detergent and an eyewash. This will remove any sap on the rest of the body and prevent further skin irritation.

Intravenous Fluids - IV fluids will hydrate and encourage proper urination and kidney function. It will also give the healthy enzymes in your dog's body an energy boost. 

Skin Treatment - Your dog might receive a prescription of a topical ointment to reduce the risk of dermatitis.

The vet usually offers this if the sap came into contact with the animal's eyes, mouth or skin.